Defining step-by-step strategies and procedure for ECOLABNET expansion

Process of effective eco-innovation implementation can be challenging for many SME’s. They may be in lack of the competence, recourses or partners needed to boos their eco-innovate ideas. Eco-innovators also face challenges in marketing eco-innovations beyond niche markets due to externalities. And oftentimes SMEs use unstructured and non-systematic approaches to manage environmental sustainability-related issues. Therefore, ECOLABNET’s guide for expansion seeks to provide current members with step-by-step instructions and examples that will help to improve their procedures for sustainable network growth. All project partners will use this guide to boost the growth of the network which will lead to the new partnerships and development of sustainable eco-innovations in Baltic Sea Region.

Building on these objectives ECOLABNET project team will collaborate to meet the following goals and grow the sustainable network (strategic steps – short-term goals):

1.Develop bottom-up oriented networks cooperation environment aimed to create regional membership outreach to involve and energize more network members.
2.Promote networks growth-oriented communication activities (through ECOLABNET website blogs, current network internet platforms: Digital Collaboration Tool and LinkedIn, as well as emails) by sharing members achievements, success stories​ and main benefits offered by the network.
3.Straighten communication & marketing of ECOLABNET services for members and public. It will be achieved through virtual or physical public events and thematic meetings where available services and support mechanisms will be presented.
4.Involve new service providers and intermediary actors to support core ECOLABNET vision & mission of the project results.  It will be achieved via participation in various external events and networking activities (organised by other organisations and target groups)
5.Monitor network status and perform statistically relevant membership evaluation survey. It should be completed and analysed before each new year – period.

ECOLABNET expansion strategy and action plan: