DATE:  16th of September, 2014
VENUE: Vilnius, Lithuania

This one-day seminar on essential ICC standards ISBP (International Standard Banking Practice for Examining Documents under Documentary Credits) will provide a comprehensive review of the newly 
revised standards and take a detailed technical look at generating discrepancy free transport and commercial documents for presentation under Documentary Letter of Credit based on the UCP 600 rules. 
This seminar will be case study driven and involve participants in an interactive learning experience based on real life cases and situations and demand participants to apply the ICC rules and standards in a professional and success oriented manner.

– Plenary-style information
– Discussion of practical real-life scenarios
– Question and answer sessions



 – Contract/ Execution managers involved in the export and import of goods;
– Export or Import consultants and advisors;
– Professionals working in finance and risk departments;

 – In-house freight and carriage operatives with carriers;
– In-house  insurance specialists with insurance companies;
– In-house members of the legal profession advising any of the above.



Vincent O'Brien is a member of ICC Banking Commission and ICC and Chair of the ICC Market Intelligence Group (MIG). He has been actively involved in trade finance for more than a quarter of a century and has delivered technical trade finance assistance in more than 70 countries. He is regularly involved as an expert witness in arbitration and legal cases and he is highly regarded for speaking his mind and his ability to explain complex situations and structures in a clear and straightforward manner.
Mr. O'Brien recently became a member of the Executive Committee of the ICC Banking Commission. 


Until  18th July 2014 “Early bird special”
– 250 EUR/ 862 LTL for member of Lithuanian Business Confederation
– 300 EUR/ 1035 LTL for non-member

After 18th July 2014 

– 300 EUR/ 1035 LTL for member of Lithuanian Business Confederation
– 350 EUR/ 1207 LTL for non-member
Closing date 8th September, 2014

The registration fee includes seminar documentation, lunch and coffee breaks
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance

For registration please fill in the registration form and send it by fax: +370 5 212 2621 or by e-mail: at latest by 8th September, 2014.

Contact person: Ms. Julija Surniene, Project Manager
Lithuanian Business Confederation
Ph.: +370 5 212 1111+370 5 212 1111, Mob.: +370 655 50 259+370 655 50 259
Fax.: +370 5 212 2621 

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