Project coordinator: Euroregion „Country of Lakes“ Office in Lithuania.
Project partners: Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Lithuanian Business Confederation.
Period of project implementation: February 27, 2020 – August 26, 2022.
Project no: ENI-LLB-1-076.
Total project budget: 934 916,39 EUR, of which 841 424,75 EUR is European Union funding.
Project funding: The project is implemented under the European Neighborhood Instrument and is funded by the European Union. The program aims to strengthen relations, build capacity and share experiences between the people and organizations in Lithuanian and Latvian border regions.
Programme website: https://www.eni-cbc.eu/llb/en
This is an international project designed for fostering long-term sustainable youth employment and building entrepreneurship and business skills by combining innovative breakthrough ideas and traditional business models into organic, young and promising businesses. The target group of the project 15 – 29 year-olds – called young entrepreneurs, they seek to develop business ideas, realize themselves, and exchange of good practices. At least 240 young people will be directly involved in the project activities, and more than 500 participants will join in the motivational training of the project – in the introductory phase of the project. The geographical coverage of the project is evenly distributed among the regions of the program area in Lithuania and Latvia. Project activities take place in Utena and Vilnius counties, Latgale and Žiemgala regions.
The project aims to create a strong and sustainable network for cross-border communication, coordination of joint actions and sharing of experience and knowledge, for a good outcome for the future.
During the project, we plan to create and maintain a strong alliance with the most active members. This alliance will be able to ensure the future dissemination of entrepreneurship education methods and the long-term use of project results (project implementation methodology, international union, cross-border initiatives/training.)