16.11.2021 | 10-15:30 EET / 9-14:30 CET | WELCOME TO OPEN ECO-INNOVATION EVENT
Do you want to create competitive advantage based on sustainability and eco-innovation in the near future? Then you need to participate in the full day meeting with ECOLABNET – a network of research, development and innovation service providers for eco-innovation.
This online meeting will offer you knowledge and connections as well as practical experience within eco-innovation management including:
• Alternative sustainable materials
• Ecological product and service design
• Ecological production methods
• Eco-certification
• Eco-branding and
• Scaling up eco-innovation
The event brings together high-level experts, support and business organisations as well as manufacturing companies. We create a meeting place for creating insights and collaboration for finding right expertise and facilities for developing ecological solutions in companies.
Participation is free of charge!
Registration is now open: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/E5D0E467D89DE096
Gain your competitive advantage through eco-innovation!Download ProgramDownload
10:00 EET (9:00 CET) Welcome to the meeting place for open eco-innovation
10:10 Panel discussion “Future collaboration in eco-innovation”
- Miia Lammi, Development manager at VAMK Design Centre MUOVA, project manager of ECOLABNET, FIN
- Lisbeth Jensen, Associate Professor, VIA University College, DK
- Jurand Bień, Associate professor at Czestochowa University of Technology, PL
- Hanne Biltoft, Lecturer at VIA University College, DK
- Egidija Rainosalo, RDI manager at CENTRIA University of Applied Sciences, FIN
10:30 Examples of eco-innovation from different sectors
- 3D printing resins for dental devices
Vaidas Talačka, co-founder of Ameralabs, LT
Jolita Ostrauskaite, professor at Kaunas University of Technology, LT - Bio-based 3D printed boat mould for industrial production
Rathish Rajan, RDI specialist at Centria, FI
Håkan Sundelin, Owner and Managing Director from MMI Company, FI - Electric boat
Nigel Claridge, project manager at Sustainable Innovation, SWE
Gordon Strömfeldt, Independent eMobility Specialist and managing director at Strana boats, SWE
11:30 Discussion with eco-innovators
Small discussion forums with presenters of the example projects.
- 3D printing resigns for dental devices
- Bio-based 3D printed boat mould for industrial production
- Electric boat
12:00 Lunch
12:30 ECOLABNET for eco-innovation knowledge and connections
- Announcement ceremony – ECOLABNET presidency 2022
- Service packages and Digital Collaboration Tool for eco-innovation, Jurand Bień, Professor at Czestochowa University of Technology, PL
13:00 ECOLABNET at your service
Discuss directly with RDI experts and support organisations
- New production methods
Mangirdas Malinauskas, professor at Vilnus University, LT
Egidija Rainosalo, RDI manager at CENTRIA University of Applied Sciences, FIN - Biobased Plastics
Rathish Rajan, RDI specialist at CENTRIA University of Applied Sciences, FIN
Jolita Ostrauskaite, professor at Kaunas University of Technology, LT - Branding of eco-innovation
Per Toeffner Knudsen, teacher at VIA University College, DK
René Larsen, lecturer at VIA University College, DK - Scaling up eco-innovation
Nigel Claridge, project manager in Sustainable Innovation, SWE
Roland Elander, Business Development manager in Sustainable Innovation, SWE - Ecological product design
Miia Lammi, Development manager, at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Design Centre MUOVA, FIN
Tommi Siljamäki, Account manager at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Design Centre MUOVA, FIN
Juha Mäkelä, co-founder and designer at RePack Design, FIN - Alternative materials for textile industry
Inger Gerdsen and Anders Mølbæk, teachers at VIA University College; DK - Eco-certificates
Jeanette Lauridsen, Owner of Be Sustainable Aps, Partner of Dichmann | Lauridsen, DK
Lisbeth Jensen, Associate professor, at VIA University College, DK
Anders Mattsson, business coach in Mapcon, FIN - Eco-innovation management
Rafał Rajczyk, Professor at Czestochowa University of Technology, PL
Deivydas Čepas, project manager at Lithuania Business Confederation, LT
13:30 Circularity in action! – is it possible? Keynote speaker Reimer Ivang
Ph.D., Business Researcher, Reimer Ivang has 20 years’ experience in the Danish university sector, lastly holding a position as Research Director for the International Business Group. Alongside his academic career Reimer has formed several companies and has acted as advisor and consultant for some of Denmark’s biggest companies. Reimer is one of the original founders of the B-corp certified, “best for the world (2017,2018) nominated and award winning circular pioneering company Better World Fashion. Yearly Reimer holds +50 lectures, seminars and workshops for companies and public organizations, acts as board member and keynote speaker
Stepping into the future with ECOLABNET